This page lists past colloquia from 2009 and links to the presentations.
January 9:
Solar Photospheric Flows and the Sunspot Cycle
, Dr. David Hathaway
February 27:
Phoenix Mars Lander - First Successful Landing To the Martian Polar Region
, Dr. Barry Goldstein
April 3:
X-ray Emission from Thunderstorms and Lightning
, Dr. Joseph Dwyer, This presentation includes multiple animations, which are required for the powerpoint. These movies are listed below:
Tower Normal
Tower Slow
LC Normal
LC Slow
tel Movie Bottomstream
Triggered 1
Triggered 2
May 14:
Landau and Neutron Stars
, Dr. D.G. Yakovlev
May 15:
Cooling of Neutron Stars
, Dr. D.G. Yakovlev
May 20:
Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
, Dr. Patrick Slane